Planning a wedding can be one of the most stressful things you’ll experience. Tension is running high, there are people to please, and it’s one huge transition in life because, let’s face it, marriage is a big deal. Although we recommend letting out your feelings in private or to your trusted confidante, composing yourself and moving on, it’s totally ok if you lose it a little in public. Here are 6 bridezilla moments you are likely, and allowed, to have.

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1. If an important vendor flakes

This is super uncool but it might happen. Businesses close unexpectedly and vendors double-book and the best way to protect yourself is to have a clear written contract with all your vendors. If the unfortunate does happen, punch a pillow, scream, have a good cry and then pick yourself up and start looking for a replacement.

2. If you haven’t found ‘the dress’ yet

Finding the perfect wedding dress brings with it a bunch of stress, so if nothing totally stands out after several gown fittings, you’re bound to be a little anxious. And we don’t blame you. But rest assured you’ll find it eventually, and you’ll be walking down that aisle in the dress of your dreams!

3. If something looks totally different than how you envisioned

There’s nothing more infuriating than when vendors don’t deliver on something you carefully chose and paid for. The bridal party’s dresses are the wrong size, or the cake’s icing is a different shade of mauve – yes, it’s maddening. Keep cool, calm and collected and try resolve the problem with the supplier in question.

4. If someone in your wedding party won’t stop complaining

There’s always that one. Someone you thought was a close mate is driving you up the wall with complaints and unwanted comments. If it’s getting too much and is affecting your mood, speak up. It’s meant to be the happiest time of your life, don’t let that one Debby Downer ruin this experience. It’s important to speak to her in private, however, as opposed to going full bridezilla on her. You wouldn’t want to humiliate her in front of everyone else.

5. If your family is trying to take over everything

Whether it’s the in-laws or blood relatives, family can instantly become a burden, especially if they’re not chipping in on the bill. Do your best to keep your feelings and their hearty opinions under control from the get-go. Decide what’s worth hashing out and what’s best to let slide (if it’s possible).

6. If everyone’s telling you what you should be doing, but not helping you get it done

This will definitely drive any calm bride totally nuts. Ignore any unsolicited advice and comments. Don’t hesitate to subtly and nicely enlist your family and wedding party members for help if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by all the planning (which is absolutely normal).

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