On the advice of the Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Mater Dei hospital, Prof. Yves Muscat Baron, couples who are trying to get pregnant should delay their plans by at least two months due to the current heightened levels of unease brought about by the coronavirus pandemic.

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Dr Muscat Baron spoke to TVM about the mental repercussions pregnancy has on many women, where around 20 per cent suffer from prenatal conditions, including anxiety.

Such conditions are only amplified by complications which may arise throughout the pregnancy, such as a 15 per cent risk of miscarriage at the start of any pregnancy, and a 2-3 per cent chance of a hospital visit due to other complications.

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He explained how all these risks already create lots of anxiety for pregnant women, and, coupled with the higher levels of anxiety brought about by pandemic, the risks are aggravated.  

The physical risks should not be overlooked, Dr Muscat Baron added. Since the virus has a tendency to spark a high fever, this could cause complications in an early pregnancy, including miscarriage.

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In addition to all this, delaying hospital appointments will help all medical staff at Mater Dei focus their efforts on women who are already pregnant at such a delicate time, while also minimising contact with more patients.

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