1. Put that phone down!

Easy connectivity and social media addiction has us glued to our phones but – as a result – it has removed us from easy live interaction. Make sure to step away from that screen, look your partner in the eyes and communicate properly with them. It’s incredibly annoying talking to someone who is hooked to the device in the palm of their hand!

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2. Give plenty of hugs

Physical proximity is not something which is reserved for couples starting out together. Rather, it becomes even more important as the years go by. Give each other frequent hugs to show affection and hold your partner close, releasing happy endorphins which will stand you both in good stead.

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3. Never forget to say those three little words…

…even if you’re already married. Or rather, especially if you’re already married. Saying ‘I love you’ frequently, and with intent, reminds your partner or spouse of the importance they hold in your lives. So, tell them when you’re leaving the house, or as you’re about to go to sleep – in short, whenever you part ways, even if it’s just for a couple of hours.

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4. Stay close

Hugging each other is not the only way you can show affection to a partner who has been by your side for many a year. After all, we cannot constantly be holding our loved one – we do have lives to get on with! Rather, make sure you stand or sit close to them whatever you are doing, even holding their hands whenever you get the chance!

5. Don’t go to bed angry.

This should be emblazoned on couples’ marriage vows. Whatever the argument, or how long it takes to settle the conflict, don’t go to bed angry with each other. Apart from ruining a perfectly good night’s sleep, the negativity will solidify into an angry wall which will be difficult to tear down the more time passes.

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6. Do something special for them on a regular basis – even if it’s small

Doing the grocery shopping? Then, pick up something sweet your spouse will like, such as their favourite chocolate bar, snack or confection. Need to run an errand? Offer to take something off your partner’s plate in the process. Small, regular thoughts, such as these, underline your love for your side-kick and will have them extremely appreciative in return!

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7. Be their biggest fan

No one needs negativity in their lives and this especially goes for someone seeking to do something new, and challenge themselves. Be sure to support your partner in their ambitions and desires, encouraging them when they feel low, holding out a helpful hand when they feel they cannot continue any longer and picking up the slack with chores if they’re going through a particularly busy time.

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8. Make time for some bed action

It gets more and more difficult as time goes by to put some time aside for the physical, but this should not be seen as a chore. Rather, it is an opportunity to reconnect in the most basic and sensual way, reminding the both of you of happy, carefree times. Ensuring you take some time out of the humdrum routine of your lives to connect physically is as essential as feeding and clothing yourselves – otherwise, one day, you might wake up and the spark is completely gone.

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9. Be spontaneous

It’s difficult to change plans on the spur of the moment when you’re both a bit set in your ways. After all, the older you get and the more time you spend together are both directly proportionate to the deep thoroughfares of routine running through your lives. But, be brave and step out of your usual habits to do something you both enjoy.

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10. Listen to them

Stop for a while and listen to what your partner is saying. The old, wise adage stating that communication is key to a relationship should be an axiom you follow as the years roll by. Taking time out to actually hear and understand what your loved one is telling you will help you both avoid misunderstandings and will open you up to feeling what your partner needs now, and in the future.

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