Actor and director Steven Dalli and his wife, who is also an actress, Audrey Brincat Dalli, are celebrating their 10th year anniversary. Steven took to social media to write a sweet and heart-warming message to his wife.

‘10 years of marriage has passed by already and I can’t believe it! My love for you has gone stronger year after year during this wonderful journey’.

Steven goes on to say that marrying the love of his life has, by far, been the best decision that he has ever made. He is definitely ready for more, he says!

Audrey did not disappoint as she also wrote a lovey-dovey message on her Facebook page!

‘10 Years of marriage and what a ride it has been! Despite the difficulties, we have been blessed beyond words. We’ve learned so much together and came to understand the real value of love’.

Audrey continues by saying how grateful she feels that she has Steven in her life and how she thanks God, every day, that she has formed this union and started her own little family.

Wishing you more years of love and happiness!

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