Despite getting eliminated in the semi-final this January, 2020 is set to be one for the books for one half of the popular X Factor duo, Yazmin and James. A wedding looms in the distance, not between the two sultry singers, but between Yazmin Helledie and fiancée Keith Panelli.

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Sharing the news to Facebook, Keith revealed some interesting details about the upcoming wedding: “266 Days till I can call you my wife ...... but who's counting” he wrote. The caption was accompanied by an adorable picture of the two together, with Yazmin singing and Keith embracing her and smiling as a hand holding a heart pops up behind them.

Yazmin’s reply to the post? A very excited: “Cant wait!!!!!!!” This may leave some hardcore X Factor fans heartbroken, but for all we know, Yazmin and James may still share a duet at the wedding reception.

If our calculations are correct, Yazmin and Keith’s wedding date will land in the last few days of October, bringing their year to the perfect end.

Congratulations you guys!

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