Dancers Felix Busuttil and Daron Galea have been in each other’s lives for a long time, so it’s only fitting that they wish each other a happy birthday. Today happens to be Daron’s birthday and in honour of his special day, Felix penned a heartfelt message on social media.

“Respect is one of the most beautiful words in the world. Respect gives understanding. Makes us civilised. Respect opens hearts and does no harm. Respect makes us listen and care for the feelings of each other,” he starts off.

“Respect guarantees forgiveness and safeguards the boundaries of dignity and integrity. Respect promotes a relationship that is never based on anger, resentment, and blame. Respect is the foundation of true love and sees only the happiness of the other person in their best qualities and choices they make. And I have a lot of respect for you. Happy birthday dear Daron. Enjoy your day!”

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